Examining COVID 19 under a Zoroastrian microscope
OZCF, in collaboration with the NAMC Institute of Zoroastrian Studies (IZS), will be holding a series of discussions cum sit-down sessions to service the educational needs of our membership. Focus will be on topics of interest which would generate deliberations.
The first session examines the Zoroastrian approach to Pandemics - A blend of Science and Faith. Please join the panelists – Er. Tehemton Mirza, Mobedyar Khushroo Mirza and Er. Xerxes Madan – in discussions on this current issue which has changed the way of living for all (see attached flyer).
Meeting is by Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/96451089704?pwd=azdYL0JOQys0VHVZRXFGWDk3QUdPUT09
Zoom Meeting ID: 964 5108 9704 Passcode: ozcf