Get Moving - Virtual Chair Zumba Gold
brought to you by Ariam Del Real in conjunction with OZCF
"This is a gentle version of the traditional Zumba class. Most of the Zumba moves are done SEATED IN A CHAIR or holding the back of a chair." Please note that you join this online session at your own risk and OZCF takes no responsibility for anyone getting injured or having too much fun. By entering this website and taking part in the activities, you accept all risks that maybe associated with it. If you do not agree to the disclaimer, STOP now, and do not click on the link.
"This is a gentle version of the traditional Zumba class. Most of the Zumba moves are done SEATED IN A CHAIR or holding the back of a chair."
Please note that you join this online session at your own risk and OZCF takes no responsibility for anyone getting injured or having too much fun.
By entering this website and taking part in the activities, you accept all risks that maybe associated with it. If you do not agree to the disclaimer, STOP now, and do not click on the link.
What you will need: A Device that connects to the Internet and has Sound (laptop, computer)Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2021Time: 11.45am to 12.15pmWhere: Online Using the Zoom App
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 608 680 7194 Passcode: ZumbaPaca
You will be advised to either wait until the session starts or you will see a video.
**DO NOT Click on LOGIN**
Once connected, please see the lower left portion of thee window click on the Microphone (so it gets MUTED) and the video (so your camera turns off).
To see ARIAM in the full Window, take your mouse over his picture and you will see 3 dots; click on it and Select 'PIN'
If you need any help, you can click on the CHAT button towards the right lower portion of the window and type a message and we will try to assist you.
Looking forward to seeing you join us for this VIRTUAL ZUMBA PARTY
Note: Anyone using Zoom for the first time on an Apple or Android device will have to install the App and you will need access to your STORE, which I will be unable to assist you with.