Dasturji Kookadaroo Baj
OZCF will be holding Dasturji Kookadaroo Baj prayers on Saturday, September 4th, at Z.R.C.C. The prayer ceremony will commence at 11:00 am.
Members wishing to attend in-person must give their names to Er. Nozer Kotwal at (905) 820-0461 or at nskotwal1@gmail.com in advance. Attendees will be allowed in on a first-come basis and access limited to agreed numbers in the Hall. The prayers will be live-streamed, and members not attending in-person are encouraged to join in the prayers online. The link for the broadcast is www.ozcf.com at 11:00 am.
Based on the current Step 3 of the Provincial reopening, the maximum number of people in the Hall and patio will be restricted to 50 at any given time.
Please note – no meals nor Chasni will be served.
If you wish to offer your home-made Malido, Ravo, Sev and/or dry-fruits, flowers, fruits, Sukhad, Loban, we ask that you make arrangements with Er. Kotwal in advance.
All members who come to the property MUST follow the laid down protocols (COVID-19 Screening Sheet and Instruction Guidelines), bearing in mind the volunteer has the right to refuse a member from entry if they feel the member could be endangering the health and safety of others.
As with all messages OZCF has communicated to the community, we remind our members that while these stipulations require us to carry out our engagements differently, we must adhere to them in order to enhance the safety of our members, volunteers and Mobeds. OZCF appreciates your continued patience and understanding.